Khamis, Februari 21, 2008

Birthstones by month

Birthstones by month


January — The garnet symbolizes faith and truth. The ancients believed that it had the power to heal, ease tensions between enemies and protect the traveler from danger on his journey.



February — The amethyst symbolizes the power to overcome adversity. The Greeks believed it also prevented intoxication or poisoning and were known to served wine from amethyst vessels to mitigate the wine's effects.



March — The aquamarine symbolizes safety and security. Roman sailors wore talisman made from this gem to protect them from dangers at sea. It’s also believed to have the power to increase intelligence and restore youth.



April — Not surprisingly, the diamond symbolizes everlasting love. Back in the middle ages, people believed diamonds had the power to heal certain illnesses, though only if they were worn to bed.



May — Cleopatra’s favorite gem, the emerald symbolizes wisdom and patience. The Romans also believed it increased fertility, associating it with Venus, the goddess of love.


Pearl, Moonstone

June — A symbol of purity in many cultures, the pearl is also believed by others to have aphrodisiac powers. The moonstone brings good luck, spiritual understanding and emotional balance.



July — In many ancient cultures, the ruby was the stone symbolizing romantic passion. Worn by Indian royalty to ward off evil, it was also thought to increase courage and strength.



August — Born of the volcano, peridot symbolizes strength and vitality. Egyptian priests drank it in a beverage called "Soma" to bring them closer to Isis, the goddess of nature. In ancient Greece it was thought to enhance dignity.



September — Symbolic of wisdom and purity, the sapphire was believed by the ancients to ward off envy, protect against poisons and act as a litmus test of fidelity (if the stone darkened, it gave evidence of adultery).


Opal, Tourmaline

October — A symbol of hope and love, the Greeks believed the opal also gave the bearer the gift of foresight. Tourmaline, also signifying hope, supposedly increased creativity and banished fear


Yellow Topaz, Citrine

November — The ancients believed it could cool anger, cure fever and increase wisdom and open the heart to love. Citrine had powers to block evil thoughts and was thought to be an antidote to snake venom.


Blue Topaz, Turquoise

December — Blue topaz has been variously held to cure insomnia, calm a temper and even make its bearer invisible. Turquoise represents friendship and luck and was believed to enhance kindness and understanding.


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